Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Important Decision

The most important decisions in our life can often times be the ones that we have already made. Like whether we are going to drink alcohol, do drugs or be involved in bad company. Yet if we make these decision in early in our life, like going on a mission for me, then it isn't going to be an issue later on when the situation actually calls for an answer. We may be put in some situations that may challenge our choice that we have already made, but if your already have an answer it is always easier to stick to that choice. If you haven't made some of those decisions yet, than it is not too late, make the choice and prepare yourself. The most important and beneficial decision, is one that has already been made for the better.

The Book of Mormon gives answers of how to live our lives. How to make those decisions, and what decisions can be most beneficial for us today to bring us closer to our savior.

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