Friday, January 20, 2012

“Elder Dallin H. Oaks defined a testimony this way: ‘A testimony of the gospel is a personal witness borne to our souls by the Holy Ghost that certain facts of eternal significance are true and that we know them to be true’ (Dallin H. Oaks, “Testimony” Ensign, May 2008, 26). At another time Elder Oaks said, ‘Testimony is to know and to feel, conversion is to do and to become’ (Dallin H. Oaks, quoted in Kenneth Johnson, “Coming to Know for Ourselves,” Ensign, July 2008, 29).”
When we become members of the church, we are not finished, for true conversion is to do and become as stated above. most importantly, we need to become the people Christ wants us to be, then shall we be converted saints. For we can not check off the list "father or mother", "saint" or "charitable" but we must become these things. We may always have a testimony, but the way to strengthen that testimony is to Become more fully converted children of God.
So Create your To BE list right now. In a recent Conference there was a talk about becoming, instead of Just doing. If we created a goal for ourselves, how are we doing. If we have not created some goals yet, what is holding you back, become the greatest person you can be.

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