Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Carry Christ

Recently I watched a video by Al Fox, and sometimes when I see a good video, I feel inspired to take action. So I watched the video with a really great person named Angelica, and we decided that we would challenge each other and see how well we could do what happened in the video; Al Fox carried in her hand a picture of Jesus Christ everywhere she went for the day, and she never put him down.
     Really, before I started the challenge, I thought it would be pretty easy. As I went through the day, I found out right off the bat, this was not going to be easy at all. The first thing that I did was go to the shower, ha. So I made it through that challenge. But then came making breakfast, which presented a little inconvenience, but sometimes carrying Christ in our hearts is inconvenient, but will always be worth it. Every now and then, I would lose hold of the picture of Christ and it would fall to the ground, but I would quickly pick it up. Sometimes outside forces will try and knock Christ out of our lives, and sometimes they will do a good job at it, but when that happens, quickly turn again to Christ and make him apart of your life again. Then at certain points, I would lose focus and set the picture down, and then I would remember instantly and pick it back up. How quick we are to forget Christ in our lives, but he shall always forgive us if we strive to keep our eye single to the glory of God and always remember him.
What is really interesting about it all, is that at the end of the day, if ever I lost focus and set the picture down, I always felt like something was missing, just like if we leave Christ, we will always feel as though we are missing the presence of his spirit. And when I got used to holding it in my hand, it became natural for me to do everything with it in my hand, and no longer became an inconvenience, but just everyday activity. What I learned through the challenge was sometimes it is hard to keep focused on Christ all the time, and sometimes we can easily forget that he gave us everything, and we should always remember him. But as we keep him close to us, he shall become one with us, helping us along our trials in life.

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