We are all free to choose whatever path we want to go on. The Savior has asked us that we make the choice to follow him, to rearrange our lives if they are on the wrong track, turn the course, and make it right. If at anytime I feel like I am going the wrong way, or just making no progress at what I am doing, look for a change, or just rearrange your priorites to where the things that you want to accomplish most are the things that are first in your life.
Why I thought of this principal today, ha funny story :) We were on our way over to visit one of our investigators, and had decided that we were going to watch the movie The Testaments with him. When we got there, we realized that we didn't have it. So we called a member that we knew, that lived right next to him. Amazingly they were not home which is unusuall. So we called them and ask when they are going to be back in about 30 min, but just climb through the front window because it was open. Ha so the first time in my mission, well I guess the second time, because once I locked my keys out of the Niagara Falls Apartment and had to climb a tree to get to the deck to get into the window, but that is a whole other story ha. But for the first time, I climbed through another members window to get in their house to get the DVD out. Now the real funny thing about this member is that they really like to joke around and have fun. So we decided to play along a little bit.. :) we decided to rearrange all of the furniture in the whole house. so when they walk in they wouldn't know what is going on. So for about five minutes, we rearranged the whole house's furniture and just had some fun. We grabbed the movie and went over to the investigators home, and we were there for about 20 minutes before the member came back to her place. Before they got back, my companion and I tell each other that second the member gets home, they will be over to the investigators home in the snap of a finger. And sure enough, we saw them walk into the apartment, and instantly they came right over to us and went off on us. Of course it was all in fun, and they really weren't that mad, but it made for a funny moment one of those times that you remember and look back on ha. After that we went back over and fixed up the house again, just as it was before. We had a good lesson with the investigator too, and it was a fun visit to that part of the city.
This is my advice, If you seem to be stuck and things are just not going the way you want, Change and Rearrange!! It is just silly to keep going in the same direction and the same way if it is not working for you. Every person has their own style and their way. Their is always the Goal that you are trying to reach, the end sight. But if you can't seem to reach the goal, look for a new route. Pray for imspiration from the Savior through the Holy Ghost, because if you are looking for help, that is the best source to find it. have fun, and in the words of a great song, "Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change."
Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself. (2Nephi 2:27)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
In Their Shoes...
What does it feel like when two young men, for example Me and my companion, one 6'5'', and the other 5'10'' ha, walk up to you and start talking to you while you are on your front steps, sitting down. That is what I would really like to know, what are they thinking? Or you see these two guys riding bikes and say, "hello, how are you," you know the usual greeting for pretty much everyone in Rochester, or just the head nod seems to do as well ha; But then you get curious and say to yourself, why are these two young men dressed so nicely, their white shirts and ties, sometimes matching ties even though we try to make sure that doesn't happen :) and also why they are riding around on bikes through all the neighborhoods being nice to everyone. You ask, "what are you two doing out here dressed like that and riding around." and we as missionaries tell them what our purpose is in doing what we do.
So that was my thought from yesterday, what is going on in the mind of someone who doesn't know who we are and what are purpose is, and when they find out! I would love to know what they really think on the inside, but I really don't think that I will ever get that opportunity to know that, bummer :( There was an instance yesterday when this happened. And I am very curious to keep a tab in my blog of what might happen just by a stranger saying hello to the missionaries.. through the blog I will try to keep an update on what I know of the progress of this person, and what can happen when you accidentally run into someone that is a friendly face. Will she ever want to learn more, maybe once, maybe none at all. Only time will tell, I guess I will just have to have some patience and see what happens.
So this is how it happened.. We were visiting a recent convert on the other side of our area, and we start looking at our watches, which seem to be our enemies sometimes, and we are not sure how long it is going to take to get the the next appointment from where we are, because we have never ridden on bikes on that route. I tell my companion I think it will take like 30 minutes, and my companion thinks maybe an hour. So we meet in the middle with a compromise, 45 minutes it is. Off we go, and as we go we start to realize, wow! we really are getting there fast. Next thing we know, we are almost to our appointment, and it has only taken like 20 minutes to get there. To kill a little time because we are way way early, we decide to visit former investigators that we had written down earlier that morning. Of course none of them were home ha, but it was still worth the try. On we go to our appointment about 20 minutes early and knock on the door. No answer, this has happened before and we figure that he will be home a little bit later, and we will just wait on the porch. Straight across from us, the next door down, there is a college age women and a college age man sitting on the porch, Someone our age ha. We say the usual, "Hello, how are you," and he responds by asking, "Who we you." We tell him and he says that he really doesn't care for us, and bla bla bla. But the girl next to him who is at University of Rochester for a semester for a human body dissection ha, is nice and talks a little to us. Right as we are about to come a little closer and actually have a conversation instead of shouting from porch to porch, the door opens and our appointment decides to let us in now ha. So there goes our first meeting with the college kids that live next door. We have a good dinner with the member that we are visiting, Ghetto Burgers as
So that is the story, The life in the investigators shoes. This is where we cross paths with this person's life, and see in what way we might be able to bless her life with the gospel. She could have said nothing and let us pass by, but she didn't, and to think of all the times I just let things pass by astounds me. Never give up as a missionary at anytime in your life, young or old, you never know what will happen later. Maybe Samantha learned a little about the church from her friend before, but who knows. Maybe she was not interested then, but may be now, the only thing I can do is try to imagine myself in their shoes, and guess what she has the potential to do. Never Give up on someone that May receive the gospel at some point in their life, as a recent convert has told me that same day, "Never give up on the people you meet. The missionaries that first met me probably were really discourage all the time because I didn't make all the appointments, and I didn't listen that close all the time. But look at me now, They probably never would have guessed that I would end up where I am now now. Just never give up on your people.."
So that was my thought from yesterday, what is going on in the mind of someone who doesn't know who we are and what are purpose is, and when they find out! I would love to know what they really think on the inside, but I really don't think that I will ever get that opportunity to know that, bummer :( There was an instance yesterday when this happened. And I am very curious to keep a tab in my blog of what might happen just by a stranger saying hello to the missionaries.. through the blog I will try to keep an update on what I know of the progress of this person, and what can happen when you accidentally run into someone that is a friendly face. Will she ever want to learn more, maybe once, maybe none at all. Only time will tell, I guess I will just have to have some patience and see what happens.
So this is how it happened.. We were visiting a recent convert on the other side of our area, and we start looking at our watches, which seem to be our enemies sometimes, and we are not sure how long it is going to take to get the the next appointment from where we are, because we have never ridden on bikes on that route. I tell my companion I think it will take like 30 minutes, and my companion thinks maybe an hour. So we meet in the middle with a compromise, 45 minutes it is. Off we go, and as we go we start to realize, wow! we really are getting there fast. Next thing we know, we are almost to our appointment, and it has only taken like 20 minutes to get there. To kill a little time because we are way way early, we decide to visit former investigators that we had written down earlier that morning. Of course none of them were home ha, but it was still worth the try. On we go to our appointment about 20 minutes early and knock on the door. No answer, this has happened before and we figure that he will be home a little bit later, and we will just wait on the porch. Straight across from us, the next door down, there is a college age women and a college age man sitting on the porch, Someone our age ha. We say the usual, "Hello, how are you," and he responds by asking, "Who we you." We tell him and he says that he really doesn't care for us, and bla bla bla. But the girl next to him who is at University of Rochester for a semester for a human body dissection ha, is nice and talks a little to us. Right as we are about to come a little closer and actually have a conversation instead of shouting from porch to porch, the door opens and our appointment decides to let us in now ha. So there goes our first meeting with the college kids that live next door. We have a good dinner with the member that we are visiting, Ghetto Burgers as
he calls them. And have a good discussion on Luke 24, and what happened after Jesus was
resurrected, and we are on our way out the door. Surprisingly enough, right as we are about to leave, the college girl, whom we will just call Samantha for now, comes out again. We say hello, again, the usual ha, and this time we are on our bikes and are right in front of her steps, so we can have a normal conversation, no shouting. We come to find out that she has a friend who is serving a foreign mission in Thailand, and that she won't get to see him for two years. And of course we hear 2 years, and go, "what, is your friend a Mormon!" She says, "Ya, and I won't see him for two years, I miss him." So the conversation goes on for a little while, and it is starting to get dark, so we tell her that we will be back in that area on Thursday, near the same time, and she said hopefully we will see you again. So that is the story, The life in the investigators shoes. This is where we cross paths with this person's life, and see in what way we might be able to bless her life with the gospel. She could have said nothing and let us pass by, but she didn't, and to think of all the times I just let things pass by astounds me. Never give up as a missionary at anytime in your life, young or old, you never know what will happen later. Maybe Samantha learned a little about the church from her friend before, but who knows. Maybe she was not interested then, but may be now, the only thing I can do is try to imagine myself in their shoes, and guess what she has the potential to do. Never Give up on someone that May receive the gospel at some point in their life, as a recent convert has told me that same day, "Never give up on the people you meet. The missionaries that first met me probably were really discourage all the time because I didn't make all the appointments, and I didn't listen that close all the time. But look at me now, They probably never would have guessed that I would end up where I am now now. Just never give up on your people.."
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Frank Lloyd Wright - I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.
I am a missionary, and I have committed to do a lot of things. If fact I even have a whole entire white hand book and all the things that I committed to do when I choose to come out on a mission. I am not perfect, so obviously I am not a hundred percent perfect in all that I do, but I can try. So I was thinking of commitments the other day and some attitudes or attributes that might make me more successful in what I am trying to do while on my mission. These are some of the things that I have come up with. There are many ways for many people, but these are the things that will help with me ha. These are some of the things in the white handbook: waking up on time, studying every morning, having the desire to go see more people when most do want to see you ha. My commitment right now is to memorize one scripture daily, and to give at least two compliments more a day than I do right now. Now lets see If I can hold up to my commitments. Whatever your commitments are, try your best as well :)
Compromise: What I always want is not the best thing for me, even if I don't always realizes it at first.
HOpe: Hope has a goal, it has something that you are striving for, a commitment to yourself that you are willing to keep.
Might: Without the effort of your might, you can never reach the goals that will make you soar, use your might to accomplush your goals.
Master: Seek to become a master at want you want to accomplish. To truly become commited to what you want, I believe one must try to be a master at what he wants. I am not saying you have to be a master, just seek your best to do your best.
Itegrity: Being truthful, and doing what is right even when no one is looking, suprisingly is something that can help you along your way. When you are sure within yourself that you are doing the right thing, then it makes it easier to go full force towards the goal and commitment that you want to accomplish.
Talking: Without opening your mouth and letting people know of the intentions that are seeking, keeping a commitment can be harder without the support of your people. Or without speaking because you are afraid can really slow the progression of what you want.
Moving: Action is required if you are going to reach your goals and commitments. "You can plow a field by turning it over in your mind" (Gordon B. Hinckley)
Egaged: Have a passion for what you want to accomplish and go for it, be engaged in things that are good for you, and seek after the things that will bring you closer to your goals.
Negative: Negative thoughts and attitudes are the deciding factor in whether you actually accomplish your goals or not. There is nothing more inportant to me than this catagory. If you let the negative thoughts become the focus of what you are doing, then you will never ever accomplish what you want. If you want to follow through on a comittment, you must be positive :)
Teaching: Being on a mission has helped me realize that the best way to help yourself learn , is to prepare like you are the teacher and are going to teach someone. The best way to learn is to teach.
To Commit to something is to give a part of you to whatever you committed to. Commit to serve and to love those around you. There was no greater commitment than the Jesus Christ's commitment to do the will of the father. He healed the sick, clothed the naked, gave the hungry something to eat, and served all those around him. He committed his life to us that we may be happy! knowing what commitments the savior made, What commitments have you made in your life?
I am a missionary, and I have committed to do a lot of things. If fact I even have a whole entire white hand book and all the things that I committed to do when I choose to come out on a mission. I am not perfect, so obviously I am not a hundred percent perfect in all that I do, but I can try. So I was thinking of commitments the other day and some attitudes or attributes that might make me more successful in what I am trying to do while on my mission. These are some of the things that I have come up with. There are many ways for many people, but these are the things that will help with me ha. These are some of the things in the white handbook: waking up on time, studying every morning, having the desire to go see more people when most do want to see you ha. My commitment right now is to memorize one scripture daily, and to give at least two compliments more a day than I do right now. Now lets see If I can hold up to my commitments. Whatever your commitments are, try your best as well :)
Compromise: What I always want is not the best thing for me, even if I don't always realizes it at first.
HOpe: Hope has a goal, it has something that you are striving for, a commitment to yourself that you are willing to keep.
Might: Without the effort of your might, you can never reach the goals that will make you soar, use your might to accomplush your goals.
Master: Seek to become a master at want you want to accomplish. To truly become commited to what you want, I believe one must try to be a master at what he wants. I am not saying you have to be a master, just seek your best to do your best.
Itegrity: Being truthful, and doing what is right even when no one is looking, suprisingly is something that can help you along your way. When you are sure within yourself that you are doing the right thing, then it makes it easier to go full force towards the goal and commitment that you want to accomplish.
Talking: Without opening your mouth and letting people know of the intentions that are seeking, keeping a commitment can be harder without the support of your people. Or without speaking because you are afraid can really slow the progression of what you want.
Moving: Action is required if you are going to reach your goals and commitments. "You can plow a field by turning it over in your mind" (Gordon B. Hinckley)
Egaged: Have a passion for what you want to accomplish and go for it, be engaged in things that are good for you, and seek after the things that will bring you closer to your goals.
Negative: Negative thoughts and attitudes are the deciding factor in whether you actually accomplish your goals or not. There is nothing more inportant to me than this catagory. If you let the negative thoughts become the focus of what you are doing, then you will never ever accomplish what you want. If you want to follow through on a comittment, you must be positive :)
Teaching: Being on a mission has helped me realize that the best way to help yourself learn , is to prepare like you are the teacher and are going to teach someone. The best way to learn is to teach.
To Commit to something is to give a part of you to whatever you committed to. Commit to serve and to love those around you. There was no greater commitment than the Jesus Christ's commitment to do the will of the father. He healed the sick, clothed the naked, gave the hungry something to eat, and served all those around him. He committed his life to us that we may be happy! knowing what commitments the savior made, What commitments have you made in your life?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
What Drives you ????
So what drives us two elders around right now? That is a good question, and about a week ago, it was our own two feet. We are just walking around the city of rochester, down all the streets and making friends with all the people that we see. Honestly, people are pretty nice over here, almost all of them say hello back to you, and you never have to go far to find someone to talk to, just a couple yards or so ha.
Recently we have had an upgrade from the slow pace of walking, to the speed racer pace of biking. I'll tell you what, biking can get you places a whole lot faster. And on those hot summer days you can actually get a little breeze blowing on you, ah so nice:) But even yet with a bike, it is hard for us two to get to all the places that we would like to go. Sometimes the people we want to see are all the way over on the other side of the city, and the only good time to see them is when you are this side of the city. So it is hard. We often are able to have the assistance of the amazing Brother Robinson (B-Rob) to help us get to the places that we need to go, especially those places at the edges of our area. Without him it would be hard to do what we do. So I'm super glad we have him with us!!
But why would I write about something that drives us; because we are about to get a car in our area. Talk about an upgrade! Now we will have four wheels on the ground, and be rollin' nice ha. We will have the assistance from the ward and still be able to get around to so many people that we wouldn't of had a chance otherwise. So we have had an upgrade in what drives us around and leads us to do our work.'
The real question now is, What drives us? And this time I'm not talking about a car, or a bike, or even our feet. What is the real force that drives us to do what we want in this life. For some it is money, for others power, for some just because they love it. And that is what I really hope we will be able to get to. To get to the point where we are driven by the fact that we love it. So all in all, the qoute of the day is "Love it!" When you love what you do, and you make an effort to love the people that are around you, you will find that success is met with happiness by our sides. Jesus Christ was the leading example in all we do, and what was something that he always taught the people, to love one another. To do the work without needing it to be to our advantage, but to do the work because you love it and you love the people. The Savior made the Atonement for us because he loved us. Love is what drove the work forward, and is what is always going to drive the Work forward. Seek for the best things in people, strive to find ways that you can love them, and let that love be the thing that drives you to the success that you seek.
Recently we have had an upgrade from the slow pace of walking, to the speed racer pace of biking. I'll tell you what, biking can get you places a whole lot faster. And on those hot summer days you can actually get a little breeze blowing on you, ah so nice:) But even yet with a bike, it is hard for us two to get to all the places that we would like to go. Sometimes the people we want to see are all the way over on the other side of the city, and the only good time to see them is when you are this side of the city. So it is hard. We often are able to have the assistance of the amazing Brother Robinson (B-Rob) to help us get to the places that we need to go, especially those places at the edges of our area. Without him it would be hard to do what we do. So I'm super glad we have him with us!!
But why would I write about something that drives us; because we are about to get a car in our area. Talk about an upgrade! Now we will have four wheels on the ground, and be rollin' nice ha. We will have the assistance from the ward and still be able to get around to so many people that we wouldn't of had a chance otherwise. So we have had an upgrade in what drives us around and leads us to do our work.'
The real question now is, What drives us? And this time I'm not talking about a car, or a bike, or even our feet. What is the real force that drives us to do what we want in this life. For some it is money, for others power, for some just because they love it. And that is what I really hope we will be able to get to. To get to the point where we are driven by the fact that we love it. So all in all, the qoute of the day is "Love it!" When you love what you do, and you make an effort to love the people that are around you, you will find that success is met with happiness by our sides. Jesus Christ was the leading example in all we do, and what was something that he always taught the people, to love one another. To do the work without needing it to be to our advantage, but to do the work because you love it and you love the people. The Savior made the Atonement for us because he loved us. Love is what drove the work forward, and is what is always going to drive the Work forward. Seek for the best things in people, strive to find ways that you can love them, and let that love be the thing that drives you to the success that you seek.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What need ye Fear ?
The life of the a missionary in Rochester, New York. In my mind there really is no better place, the Sacred Grove is right here in your mission, along with the Hill Camora and pageant which I blogged about before. And also to think that I really don't have to worry about the things that I eat, although some meals may make some missionaries question ha, but all in all there all good to me. I don't have to worry about the water that I drink, having to be careful about filtering it out to make sure that it is safe for me to drink. And last of all to be living here in the United States where things of comfort are so readily available. I really have enjoyed the misison so far and we continue to love it.
For some reason, one thing that missionaries worry about sometimes out here, is the interview with the mission president.. They might fear even if they haven't done anything wrong, but what is there to worry about, if you do what is right then what need ye fear....
So what need ye fear.... the same goes for the last and final interview in our lives, at the judgment bar of God. Ha if you think that the interview with the President of the Mission is scary, then this one might be a whole other story. But in all honesty, what need ye fear. If you have been doing good then the conversation will go pleasant. So what things do we need to do in this life, so when that so caleld Dreaded interview comes, we really have nothing to fear, but have a bright faith in what we are doing? The answer is summed up into two things that the savior has told us, " And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." (Luke 10:27). If you do those things, then you have no need to worry :) Sometimes it is pretty hard to do that all the time, but all that is asked is that we do the best we can.
So the interview is over, and the pageant is over, and it is back to the regular schedule of missionary service. Am I happy, yep! Do I want to be here, Yep! Those were two questions that were asked in my interview, now ask yourself those questions. If your answer is no, seek to do the two things the Savior said, and then see where you stand..
For some reason, one thing that missionaries worry about sometimes out here, is the interview with the mission president.. They might fear even if they haven't done anything wrong, but what is there to worry about, if you do what is right then what need ye fear....
So what need ye fear.... the same goes for the last and final interview in our lives, at the judgment bar of God. Ha if you think that the interview with the President of the Mission is scary, then this one might be a whole other story. But in all honesty, what need ye fear. If you have been doing good then the conversation will go pleasant. So what things do we need to do in this life, so when that so caleld Dreaded interview comes, we really have nothing to fear, but have a bright faith in what we are doing? The answer is summed up into two things that the savior has told us, " And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." (Luke 10:27). If you do those things, then you have no need to worry :) Sometimes it is pretty hard to do that all the time, but all that is asked is that we do the best we can.
So the interview is over, and the pageant is over, and it is back to the regular schedule of missionary service. Am I happy, yep! Do I want to be here, Yep! Those were two questions that were asked in my interview, now ask yourself those questions. If your answer is no, seek to do the two things the Savior said, and then see where you stand..
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Hill Camora Pageant was one of the best things that I have done as a missionary in Rochester. First of all you were able to meet all of the friends that you have gained while doing the work of the Lord, because people come from all over the United States to see the Pageant and all over the area's in which I have served. I love being able to meet people that you haven't seen in a while and to see how they are doing.
Later on in the Play, Abinadi warns the people against their wickedness, and you have Wicked King Noah, who has one of the funniest voices you will hear, it makes me laugh everytime I hear it, who sentences Abinadi to death by fire. Alma the priest goes against King Noah and is cast out. Alma repents and Baptizes many people. Soon the Nephites become proud and think not of God, and Samuel the Lamanite comes to them to warm them. The Nephites start to throw spears and rocks at Samuel while he is on the wall, and as the story goes Samuel was never hit by anything in the Book of Mormon, but sometimes a rock or two might hit Samuel in the legs during the show.
Nephi the disciple is next, and he teaches the people and prepares them for the coming of Christ....
Soon afterward comes the climax of the show, Where Jesus Christ visits America. But before he comes, there is destruction all around the land, and the stage has water for special effects that shoot in the air with red light over it that makes it seem like fire and smoke are everywhere, while flames and fireballs erupt all over the stage. Pillars fall as the ground quakes and destruction happens, and at the very end of all the choas, it goes dark..... Then a voice speaks out of the night, and Jesus Christ ascends down from mid air, to meet his people. This is one of my favorite parts because the destruction and fire captivate the audience and brings their attention in, and then the darkness comes so everyone is paying attention to what happens next, and a bright white light shines, and Jesus appears. This is amazing, I saw it seven times this year ha, and I loved it everytime :)
Then comes the final battles of the Nephites and the Lamenites. Mormon and Moroni are shown together, and then out of the darkness appears all of the armies of the lamanites, and the battle commences. Mormon is slain and Moroni is the only one that survives of the Nephits. Moroni is shown hiding the plates in the Hill Camora. next Jospeh Smith is shown, he discovers the plates and later is shown as the Prophet..
The last moment of the play is the prophet Joseph Smith tells the audience to prepare, For Savior comes soon, the lights go out and then lights shine at the very top of the stage and Jesus Christ is there. I thought this play was very well done, very good special effects and was worth seeing seven times ha. I hope if you missed it this year, you will be able to come next year to see the performance.. You wont regret it. ......
For those of you who never saw the pageant, it showed scenes from the Book Of Mormon about Lehi, preaching the gospel in Jerusalem and being rejected and cast out. His family in the Wilderness, and when they cross the sea to reach America, which is really cool because at the very top of the sail water will shoot out, and if you are close enough, you can feel the mists of the water on you too. Also when Lamen and lemuel tie Nephi up and the storm comes on the sea, The storm rumbles and the sail brakes, and Nephi is able to save the ship by praying to the Lord.
Later on in the Play, Abinadi warns the people against their wickedness, and you have Wicked King Noah, who has one of the funniest voices you will hear, it makes me laugh everytime I hear it, who sentences Abinadi to death by fire. Alma the priest goes against King Noah and is cast out. Alma repents and Baptizes many people. Soon the Nephites become proud and think not of God, and Samuel the Lamanite comes to them to warm them. The Nephites start to throw spears and rocks at Samuel while he is on the wall, and as the story goes Samuel was never hit by anything in the Book of Mormon, but sometimes a rock or two might hit Samuel in the legs during the show.
Nephi the disciple is next, and he teaches the people and prepares them for the coming of Christ....
Soon afterward comes the climax of the show, Where Jesus Christ visits America. But before he comes, there is destruction all around the land, and the stage has water for special effects that shoot in the air with red light over it that makes it seem like fire and smoke are everywhere, while flames and fireballs erupt all over the stage. Pillars fall as the ground quakes and destruction happens, and at the very end of all the choas, it goes dark..... Then a voice speaks out of the night, and Jesus Christ ascends down from mid air, to meet his people. This is one of my favorite parts because the destruction and fire captivate the audience and brings their attention in, and then the darkness comes so everyone is paying attention to what happens next, and a bright white light shines, and Jesus appears. This is amazing, I saw it seven times this year ha, and I loved it everytime :)
Then comes the final battles of the Nephites and the Lamenites. Mormon and Moroni are shown together, and then out of the darkness appears all of the armies of the lamanites, and the battle commences. Mormon is slain and Moroni is the only one that survives of the Nephits. Moroni is shown hiding the plates in the Hill Camora. next Jospeh Smith is shown, he discovers the plates and later is shown as the Prophet..
The last moment of the play is the prophet Joseph Smith tells the audience to prepare, For Savior comes soon, the lights go out and then lights shine at the very top of the stage and Jesus Christ is there. I thought this play was very well done, very good special effects and was worth seeing seven times ha. I hope if you missed it this year, you will be able to come next year to see the performance.. You wont regret it. ......
Thursday, July 14, 2011
"O, the places you will go."
Taking a look back at my life, it is crazy to think of all the places that I have been, how my life has been influenced, and what decisions I have made.

Even before that, going to Hawaii, to spend the time with my family on one of our family trips.

My family has been one of the best influences in my life and has helped me to make the decisions that has put me where I am now. Through their example, I have been led, and now I am in
All of these exciting events in my life Have happened because of the choices I have made in my life. I don't always make the right decision, but I do always try to think them out, and when I have done what I can, I say a prayer to know what The best choice for me is. I will never know what would have happened had I made the other choice, all I know is that I am where I need to be now, and that through the examples of parents and family, and through prayer, I am where I am. Where I will go next is a mystery, but today is a gift from God, that is why they call it PRESENT :)
Over to Alaska, where I spent time with my dad, having one of the best fishing experiences of my life for a week and a half. .......

Even before that, going to Hawaii, to spend the time with my family on one of our family trips.

My family has been one of the best influences in my life and has helped me to make the decisions that has put me where I am now. Through their example, I have been led, and now I am in
clear on the other side of the United States serving a mission in New York and going to the
Hill Camora Pageant. All of these exciting events in my life Have happened because of the choices I have made in my life. I don't always make the right decision, but I do always try to think them out, and when I have done what I can, I say a prayer to know what The best choice for me is. I will never know what would have happened had I made the other choice, all I know is that I am where I need to be now, and that through the examples of parents and family, and through prayer, I am where I am. Where I will go next is a mystery, but today is a gift from God, that is why they call it PRESENT :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
President Thomas S. Monson
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it."
"Choose your love. Love your choice."
Remember who you are and what God expects you to become."
"Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you. . .for beginners are many, but finishers few."
Don't save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion."
May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love."
Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved."
One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is important."
He who gives money gives some, he who gives time gives more, and he who gives of himself gives all."
Work will work when wishy washy wishing won't."
When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes."
Youth need less critics and more models."
"Don't forget: one of the saddest things in life is wasted talent."
Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."
Glance backward, look heavenward, reach outward, press onward"
The most constant thing is change."
Ideals are like the stars - you can't touch them with your hands, but by following them you reach your destination. "
Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears."
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
Your mind is a cupboard and you stock the shelves."
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Watch your step."
Heavenly Father has a picture of you on His dresser. He loves you and will help you. Call upon Him."
Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier"
"Anger does not solve anything; it builds nothing."
"Choose your love. Love your choice."
Remember who you are and what God expects you to become."
"Stick to a task 'til it sticks to you. . .for beginners are many, but finishers few."
Don't save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion."
May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love."
Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved."
One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is important."
He who gives money gives some, he who gives time gives more, and he who gives of himself gives all."
Work will work when wishy washy wishing won't."
When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes."
Youth need less critics and more models."
"Don't forget: one of the saddest things in life is wasted talent."
Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."
Glance backward, look heavenward, reach outward, press onward"
The most constant thing is change."
Ideals are like the stars - you can't touch them with your hands, but by following them you reach your destination. "
Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears."
Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal"
Your mind is a cupboard and you stock the shelves."
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Watch your step."
Heavenly Father has a picture of you on His dresser. He loves you and will help you. Call upon Him."
Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier"
"Anger does not solve anything; it builds nothing."
Gordon B. Hinckley
Life is to be enjoyed, not endured"
"Try a little harder to be a little better."
"If Life Gets Too Hard To Stand, Kneel."
You have not failed until you quit trying."
True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion."
Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him."
"Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful."
Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart."
Mediocricy will never do. You are capable of something better."
"You can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable. . . it's your choice"
"You can't plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind."
Work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it."
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds."
There are four pillars to a happy marriage: respect one another as individuals; (give) soft answers; (practice)financial honesty; (conduct) family prayer."
Forget yourself and get to work."
Gratitude is a sign of maturity...Where there is appreciation: there is also courtesy and concern for the rights and property of others."
"Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others"
Stop looking for the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."
"Try a little harder to be a little better."
"If Life Gets Too Hard To Stand, Kneel."
You have not failed until you quit trying."
True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion."
Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him."
"Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful."
Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart."
Mediocricy will never do. You are capable of something better."
"You can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable. . . it's your choice"
"You can't plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind."
Work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it."
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds."
There are four pillars to a happy marriage: respect one another as individuals; (give) soft answers; (practice)financial honesty; (conduct) family prayer."
Forget yourself and get to work."
Gratitude is a sign of maturity...Where there is appreciation: there is also courtesy and concern for the rights and property of others."
"Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others"
Stop looking for the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."
Howard W. Hunter
"Whatever Jesus lays His hands upon, lives. If He lays is hands upon a marriage, it lives. If He is allowed to lay His hands on the family, it lives."
When we . . . read and study the scriptures, benefits and blessings of many kinds come to us. This is the most profitable of all study in which we could engage."
One of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
When we . . . read and study the scriptures, benefits and blessings of many kinds come to us. This is the most profitable of all study in which we could engage."
One of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Ezra Taft Benson
When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives."
Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right."
"True repentance involves a change of heart and not just a change of behavior."
You are free to choose, but you are not free to alter the consequences of your decisions."
some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul."
You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!"
It is the mark of a truly educated man to know what not to read."
Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right."
"True repentance involves a change of heart and not just a change of behavior."
You are free to choose, but you are not free to alter the consequences of your decisions."
some of the greatest battles will be fought within the silent chambers of your own soul."
You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!"
It is the mark of a truly educated man to know what not to read."
Spencer W. Kimball
Love people, not things; use things, not people. "
God does watch over us and does notice us, but it usually through someone else that he meets our needs."
"Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly
The day obedience becomes a quest and not an irritation is the day you gain power."
My life is like my shoes, worn out by service."
Do it."
Sin is the result of deep and unmet needs."
Any excuse for non-performance, no matter how valid, weakens character."
Dream beautiful dreams and then work to make those dreams come true."
Lengthen your stride/go the extra mile"
"Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men's souls."
If men are really humble, they will realize that they discover, but do not create, truth."
God does watch over us and does notice us, but it usually through someone else that he meets our needs."
"Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly
The day obedience becomes a quest and not an irritation is the day you gain power."
My life is like my shoes, worn out by service."
Do it."
Sin is the result of deep and unmet needs."
Any excuse for non-performance, no matter how valid, weakens character."
Dream beautiful dreams and then work to make those dreams come true."
Lengthen your stride/go the extra mile"
"Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men's souls."
If men are really humble, they will realize that they discover, but do not create, truth."
Harold B. Lee
"Life is fragile, handle with prayer."
"Be loyal to the royal that is in you, for you are the child of a King."
"The most important of the Lord's work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home."
Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but what happens inside of you."
"Be loyal to the royal that is in you, for you are the child of a King."
"The most important of the Lord's work you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home."
Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you, but what happens inside of you."
Joseph Fielding Smith
Let us follow the Son of God. Imitate Him. Do His work."
The most important knowledge in the world is gospel knowledge."
The most important knowledge in the world is gospel knowledge."
Friday, July 8, 2011
David O. McKay
"No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
"Man is a spiritual being, a soul, and at some period of his life everyone is possessed with an irresistible desire to know his relationship to the Infinite. . . . There is something within him which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world."
"Let husband and wife never speak to one another in loud tones,unless the house is on fire."
"Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed how deeply it moves our souls"
"Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny."
"The privilege to work is a gift.
The power to work is a blessing.
The love of work is success."
"The purpose of the church is to make bad men good and good men better."
"What you think about when you don't think, shows who you really are."
"Children are more influenced by sermons you act than by sermons you preach."
"Man is a spiritual being, a soul, and at some period of his life everyone is possessed with an irresistible desire to know his relationship to the Infinite. . . . There is something within him which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world."
"Let husband and wife never speak to one another in loud tones,unless the house is on fire."
"Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed how deeply it moves our souls"
"Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny."
"The privilege to work is a gift.
The power to work is a blessing.
The love of work is success."
"The purpose of the church is to make bad men good and good men better."
"What you think about when you don't think, shows who you really are."
"Children are more influenced by sermons you act than by sermons you preach."
George Albert Smith
" I am saying to you that to me the Constitution of the United States is just as much from my Heavenly Father as the Ten Commandments "
"Honor the names that you bear, because someday you will have the privilege and the obligation of reporting to [your ancestors] (and your Father in Heaven) what you have done with their name."
"You cannot drive people to do things which are right, but you can love them into doing them, if your example is of such a character that they can see you mean what you say."
"Honor the names that you bear, because someday you will have the privilege and the obligation of reporting to [your ancestors] (and your Father in Heaven) what you have done with their name."
"You cannot drive people to do things which are right, but you can love them into doing them, if your example is of such a character that they can see you mean what you say."
Heber J. Grant
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed, but our power to do so is increased."
"May we be strengthened with the understanding that being blessed does not mean that we shall always be spared all the disappointments and difficulties of life."
"If there is any one thing that will bring peace and contentment into the human heart, and into the family, it is to live within your means."
"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."
"Let us not forget the obligation which rests upon us to render allegiance and service to the Lord, and that acceptable service to Him cannot be rendered without service to our fellow man."
"May we be strengthened with the understanding that being blessed does not mean that we shall always be spared all the disappointments and difficulties of life."
"If there is any one thing that will bring peace and contentment into the human heart, and into the family, it is to live within your means."
"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."
"Let us not forget the obligation which rests upon us to render allegiance and service to the Lord, and that acceptable service to Him cannot be rendered without service to our fellow man."
Joseph F. Smith
"Everywhere in nature we are taught the lessons of patience and waiting. We want things a long time before we get them, and the fact that we want them a long time makes them all the more precious when they come."
"Of what use is it that we know the truth, if we lack its spirit? Our knowledge, in this event, becomes a condemnation to us, failing to bear fruit. It is not sufficient that we know the truth, but we must be humble with this knowledge possess the spirit to actuate us to good deeds. Baptism, as well as all other outward ordinances, without the spirit accompanying, is useless. We remain but baptized sinners."
"Men and women who humbly plod along, doing their duty... who help look after the poor; and who honor the holy Priesthood, who do not run into excesses, who are prayerful in their families, and who acknowledge the Lord in their hearts, they will build up a foundation that the gates of hell cannot prevail against."
"A mother that is successful in raising a good boy, or girl, to imitate her example and to follow her precepts through life, sows the seeds of virtue, honor and integrity and of righteousness in their hearts that will be felt through all their career in life; and wherever that boy or girl goes, as man or woman, in whatever society they mingle, the good effects of the example of that mother upon them will be felt; and it will never die, because it will extend from them to their children from generation to generation."
"Of what use is it that we know the truth, if we lack its spirit? Our knowledge, in this event, becomes a condemnation to us, failing to bear fruit. It is not sufficient that we know the truth, but we must be humble with this knowledge possess the spirit to actuate us to good deeds. Baptism, as well as all other outward ordinances, without the spirit accompanying, is useless. We remain but baptized sinners."
"Men and women who humbly plod along, doing their duty... who help look after the poor; and who honor the holy Priesthood, who do not run into excesses, who are prayerful in their families, and who acknowledge the Lord in their hearts, they will build up a foundation that the gates of hell cannot prevail against."
"A mother that is successful in raising a good boy, or girl, to imitate her example and to follow her precepts through life, sows the seeds of virtue, honor and integrity and of righteousness in their hearts that will be felt through all their career in life; and wherever that boy or girl goes, as man or woman, in whatever society they mingle, the good effects of the example of that mother upon them will be felt; and it will never die, because it will extend from them to their children from generation to generation."
Lorenzo Snow
"The kingdom of god... or nothing!!!"
"We should try to learn the nature of [the spirit of revelation]. . . . This is the grand means that the Lord has provided for us, that we may know the light, and not be groveling continually in the dark."
"We are entirely dependent upon the spirit of inspiration, and if there ever was a time, since Adam occupied the Garden of Eden, when the Spirit of God was more needed than at the present time, I am not aware of it."
"Every trial a man goes through, if he is faithful in that trial and does honor to God and his religion he has espoused, at the end of that trial or affliction that individual is nearer to God, nearer in regard to the increase of faith, wisdom, knowledge and power, and hence is more confident in calling upon the Lord for those things he desires."
"We should try to learn the nature of [the spirit of revelation]. . . . This is the grand means that the Lord has provided for us, that we may know the light, and not be groveling continually in the dark."
"We are entirely dependent upon the spirit of inspiration, and if there ever was a time, since Adam occupied the Garden of Eden, when the Spirit of God was more needed than at the present time, I am not aware of it."
"Every trial a man goes through, if he is faithful in that trial and does honor to God and his religion he has espoused, at the end of that trial or affliction that individual is nearer to God, nearer in regard to the increase of faith, wisdom, knowledge and power, and hence is more confident in calling upon the Lord for those things he desires."
Wilford Woodruff
"No obstacles are insurmountable when God commands and we obey."
"Do not be discouraged because you cannot learn all at once; learn one thing
at a time, learn it well, and treasure it up, then learn another truth and
treasure that up, and in a few years you will have a great store of useful
"Those men who laid the foundation of this American government and
signed the Declaration of Independence were the best spirits the God of
heaven could find on the face of the earth. They were choice spirits, not
wicked men. General Washington and all the men who labored for the purpose
were inspired of the Lord."
"My earnest prayer is that the blessings of our God may be over us in time, that when we get through and shall pass behind the veil, we shall have done all that was required of us, and be prepared to dwell with the sanctified and the just made perfect through the blood of the Lamb."
"It should be our chief study to treasure up the words of life that we may grow in grace and advance in the knowledge of God and become perfected in Christ Jesus, that we may receive a fullness and become heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus Christ. [See Romans 8:16–17.]."
"Do not be discouraged because you cannot learn all at once; learn one thing
at a time, learn it well, and treasure it up, then learn another truth and
treasure that up, and in a few years you will have a great store of useful
"Those men who laid the foundation of this American government and
signed the Declaration of Independence were the best spirits the God of
heaven could find on the face of the earth. They were choice spirits, not
wicked men. General Washington and all the men who labored for the purpose
were inspired of the Lord."
"My earnest prayer is that the blessings of our God may be over us in time, that when we get through and shall pass behind the veil, we shall have done all that was required of us, and be prepared to dwell with the sanctified and the just made perfect through the blood of the Lamb."
"It should be our chief study to treasure up the words of life that we may grow in grace and advance in the knowledge of God and become perfected in Christ Jesus, that we may receive a fullness and become heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus Christ. [See Romans 8:16–17.]."
John Taylor
This church fail? No! Times and seasons may change, revolution may succeed revolution; thrones may be cast down; and empires be dissolved; earthquakes may rend the earth from center to circumference; the mountains may be hurled out of their places, and the mighty ocean be moved from its bed, but amidst the crash of worlds and the crack of matter, truth, eternal truth, must remain unchanged, and those principles which God has revealed to his saints be unscathed amidst the warring elements, and remain as firm as the throne of Jehovah."
John Taylor,
"It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it."
"I rejoice that we have a Savior who had the goodness to come forth and redeem us and I rejoice that we have a Savior that yet looks forward to the redemption of the world."
John Taylor,
"It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it."
"I rejoice that we have a Savior who had the goodness to come forth and redeem us and I rejoice that we have a Savior that yet looks forward to the redemption of the world."
Brigham Young
"Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world's work, and the power to appreciate life."
"Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?"
"He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool."
"The men and women, who desire to obtain seats in the celestial kingdom, will find that they must battle everyday."
"Crying babies are like good intentions: Both should be carried out immediately!"
"Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?"
"He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool."
"The men and women, who desire to obtain seats in the celestial kingdom, will find that they must battle everyday."
"Crying babies are like good intentions: Both should be carried out immediately!"
Joseph Smith
"We say that God is true; that the Constitution of the United States is true; that the Bible is true; and that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Christ is true"
"Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason there of until all of the events transpire."
"The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask from books, but to go to God in prayer, and obtain divine teaching."
"Never give up an old tried friend, who has waded through all manner of toil, for your sake, and throw him away because fools may tell you he has some faults."
"Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason there of until all of the events transpire."
"The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask from books, but to go to God in prayer, and obtain divine teaching."
"Never give up an old tried friend, who has waded through all manner of toil, for your sake, and throw him away because fools may tell you he has some faults."
Modern Prophets
There are many good quotes that have been given by prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints over the years. I always enjoy watching General conference and hearing the words that are said. "Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same". That is the promise given in the Doctrine and Covenants by our heavenly father. Now let us see some of the words that have been spoken....
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Live It
When you have passion for what you are doing, your motivation will increase, and your work will improve. The one thing that I have had a passion for most in my life has been baseball! I have always loved to play the game, and I remember all those hours that I have spent in the backyard, hitting the ball back and forth, trying to perfect how my swing looked. Or setting up string on the batting cage, so I could have a target to pitch at, so I could make myself a better player. I even built a mound so that it would be more realistic. All of my hard work has paid off, and has brought me the joy and the fun that I was looking for from what I do. I have been successful and seek to continue to have the passion.
We should all look to have passion in what we do and what we believe in. Where passion lives, desire and motivation accompany it, and can give us the drive to be successful at what we do. If we can have a passion in serving Jesus Christ, strive to have the drive to do what he has asked we can be successful. And whether we have addictions that combat us daily, drugs or alcohol or anything, If we have the passion and desire and love for the savior, we can do anything...
We should all look to have passion in what we do and what we believe in. Where passion lives, desire and motivation accompany it, and can give us the drive to be successful at what we do. If we can have a passion in serving Jesus Christ, strive to have the drive to do what he has asked we can be successful. And whether we have addictions that combat us daily, drugs or alcohol or anything, If we have the passion and desire and love for the savior, we can do anything...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
It's not what you say, it's what you feel... (5) google?
There are so many things that bring us feelings. Now what have you read that has brought you the feelings that have been described. The Book Of Mormon will give those feelings that bring happiness into ones life. And when you feast upon the book of Mormon, or the Bible you will have a feeling that some only feel at Thanksgiving or Christmas time ha, a feeling that you are being filled by the holy spirit and that is what you crave. You could spend all your day long looking at the best videos on youtube, or spend your day long flipping through endless google sites, or you could read the Book of Mormon, or even better yet, go out and do the things that it teaches... Make the most of your life, this man has...
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
It's not what you say, it's how you feel... (action)
Think of a time when you were feeling down, and by someones actions you were uplifted. Did your feelings change towards that person? Did you feel like you wanted to help someone else out, because you wanted to as they say in the movie, "Pay it Forward." I remember when I was younger, I always went out to shovel an elderly's drive way in the winter. At the time that I was doing it I never liked it, but after I always had the good feeling of knowing that is was what I should have done. Actions speaks louder than words, and brings the good feelings that we all desire. Seek to share the best gifts of love with others and you shall be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven..
Saturday, July 2, 2011
It's not what you say, It's what you feel.. (3) sound
Beautiful things are felt when you listen to music that will uplift you, and bring happiness to you. In times that I have felt down or just had feelings I couldn't get over, about something that made me mad, there was always a song that I could listen to that would bring me into the state that I wanted to be in. It brought me the good feelings that were deep inside that only could be reached by listening to something that can make the good feelings that already existed inside of me come to the surface, but just needed to be found again. Sound has a promising assurance to make us feel better if we seek the music that will uplift our soul and bring us the feelings of comfort joy and happiness that we want to have, and bring to others..
Friday, July 1, 2011
It;s not what you say, its what you feel.. (2) Sight
There are many things that we see in our lives that give good feelings inside, the joy and happiness that is saught after. What can you feel when you see what has been given to you, the beauty that is all around you. Blessed are we to have the sight to see and enjoy what we have been given. I have been in the mountains many times, seen the lakes, the country, the sights that can only be seen when you are at the edge of the peak looking out into the valley. All was created and is beautiful for us. Know that there is a God who has given you beautiful things to see, to give you feelings of joy....
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